
Vape starter kits for one million smokers in 'swap to stop' scheme

  Pregnant women will be offered up to £400 to stop smoking as part of a push the government has said is "the first of its kind in the world". One million cigarette smokers will be offered vape starter kits as part of a government "swap to stop" scheme to make the nation "smoke free". The kits will be offered to almost one in five of all smokers in England as part of a push that is "the first of its kind in the world", Health Minister Neil O'Brien will announce on Tuesday. Pregnant women will be offered up to £400 to stop smoking and a consultation will be launched on introducing mandatory advice on quitting smoking to be placed in cigarette packs. Campaigners called the measures "welcome steps in the right direction" but said they are "nowhere near sufficient". Experts widely expect the pledge to get the nation smoke free by 2030 - equating to getting smoking rates to less than 5% - will be missed without further action. ...

Is it safe to buy a vape online?

  If you are worried about the safety of the product, then the risk of buying online is actually similar to offline, the most important thing is that you must go to the legally regulated, genuine online channels to buy vapes. If you are worried about whether the vapes you want to buy are the ones you want in terms of taste, flavor, nicotine satisfaction, etc., then I suggest you better go to your local vape store first to try them out, or ask the professional advice of the clerk to confirm that the vape is what you want, and you can buy it inside the vape store first, and then buy it online afterwards

What are your thoughts on nicotine-free vapes? Are these still bad for you?

 Even though a nicotine-free vape doesn't contain any significant amount of nicotine, there are still some substantial risks involved in using one and possibly painful or dangerous side effects.

Is It safe to use expired e-liquids?

  when e-liquids start degrading over time, they will likely begin to change in flavour, scent, colour, thickness, etc. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean the vape juice has become unsafe to use. None of the ingredients in e-liquid will suddenly turn toxic over time. Realistically, a hit or two will probably not kill you - that is how many vapers noticed there was something strange about their liquid in the first place. However, there have been no studies done on the safety of expired vape juice. It is unclear if vaping expired juice can be harmful, or what could happen if you decided to vape a lot of expired juice. If you have found this article, wondering if your ejuice is safe to vape, we do not recommend it. The main degradation of ejuices is with the nicotine and flavoring. So you would most likely be vaping something that tastes off and doesn’t satisfy any nicotine cravings. There is very little reason to try that when you can pick up a new bottle. Despite this, we would ...

Should disposable vapes be banned?

  For what reason? Public health? Walk down the street, and you will probably spot finger-sized colourful plastic tubes discarded on the ground. Disposable vapes are booming in popularity, especially among those aged 18-34. They are easy to use and cheap. But campaigners say they are an environmental nightmare with one activist calling for them to be banned. The vape industry told BBC News that the problem lies with unclear disposal rules and that there needs to be better national schemes for recycling. Vaping - is it a risk-free option? Young non-smokers told not to take up vaping Market flooded by unsafe vapes aimed at children Disposable vapes - which last for around 600 "puffs" - contain valuable materials such as lithium batteries and copper, as well as plastic, meaning they are classed as Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment . Consumers should dispose of them at a household recycling centre or at the shop where they bought the device. But many are unaware. Before ...

Vaping Over Smoking

If you have thought about trying to kick a smoking habit, you’re not alone. Nearly 7 of 10 smokers say they want to stop. Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health — smoking harms nearly every organ in your body, including your heart. Nearly one-third of deaths from heart disease are the result of smoking and secondhand smoke. You might be tempted to turn to electronic cigarettes ( e-cigarettes , vape pens , and other Non-disposable and disposable vaping devices) as a way to ease the transition from traditional cigarettes to not smoking at all. But is smoking e-cigarettes (also called vaping) better for you than using tobacco products? Can e-cigarettes help you to stop smoking once and for all? Let us shares health information about vaping.

How do vaping devices work?

The working principle of vape may vary according to different categories, but the general principle is to provide electricity through the battery inside the vape, so that the core in the vaporizer can heat the e-liquid within the vape, the user inhales the vaporized e-liquor, the e-liquor contains nicotine and other flavors will have the effect, bringing the user the satisfaction of nicotine and different flavors